On Mon 10 Sep 2007 11:25:08 NZST +1200, Carl Cerecke wrote:

> No. Click on the 'realtime bus info' link on that page or see:
> http://www.metroinfo.org.nz/realtime_map.html

Starting from the dark side, it doesn't work with firefox on XP
either, not even after installing the svg thingy from adobe.com as
suggested by the above metroinfo web page. There are only a few lines of
text saying that SVG isn't detected and t install it from adobe.com.
Hold on - I just did that.

Trying the same with konqueor on suse 10.2 (after installing package
libsvg and svg-dtd and rescanning for plugins - not sure whether the
packages are really needed) works as, uhm, badly, as with firefox on XP.
Not worse either though.

The page is http://rtt.metroinfo.org.nz/rtt/public/PlatformETMap.aspx
by the looks of it, and the bla bla about installing SVG is produced by
some javascript stuff.

Looks strongly like the problem isn't with browser SVG support, but with
the incompetence of the programmer who did the javascript checks for
SVG? Testing this theory might work by making local copies of the html
and js pages and diddling the svg test into always returning true. Right
now I can't get either konqueror or firefox to recognise the svg plugin,
dunno why, perhaps this is a 64bit machine?


Volker Kuhlmann                 is list0570 with the domain in header
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