There's a scripted backup solution based on rsync called rsnapshot. There's a method here:

... that would allow you to add in bash commands to tar/bz2 and write to dvd.

Roger Searle wrote:
Sure, I appreciate that. And that is why I'd like to introduce an rsync backup. However it doesn't address my requirement to have an off-site backup as I don't have a remote destination (that's always available) that I can make use of, hence the tar files burnt to DVD and transported away in my car / on my bike. I'll need to continue with the current off-site method even when I have rsync copying the data to another machine in the next room - until I figure out the offsite part.

Nick Rout wrote:
Of course if you used rsync you would be sure that all the data in source
was reproduced byte for byte in destination.

On Wed, January 16, 2008 1:53 pm, Roger Searle wrote:
Nice!  While "diff -qr" is a solution (thanks Michael), Meld is a
significantly better one that gives me just what I want.  Plus, it is
extremely fast, showing me the difference between 2 locations containing several gigs of data within about 15 seconds, while diff grinds away for
10 minutes or so.

Thanks to everyone for their replies :-)

John Carter wrote:
It may be a bit of overkill for the task in hand, but by far the best
diff tool out there for Linux systems is "meld".

John Carter                             Phone : (64)(3) 358 6639
Tait Electronics                        Fax   : (64)(3) 359 4632
PO Box 1645 Christchurch                Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Zealand

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