Christopher Sawtell wrote:
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 10:28 AM, Roger Searle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, I have a mediawiki installation working really well.  I had the idea to
have links to one or 2 documents that reside on some machine on the local
network, that could be accessed from a wiki page. For example (real example)
someone looking at a wiki article on the payroll software could open a
document about annual leave that sits in the folder on the computer where
the payroll software is installed.
This is not quite the same as a link to a website or to another wiki article
and I don't see it mentioned in the documentation I have viewed - anyone
know if or how this can be done, and offer the syntax?

a) Put a lightweight http daemon, such as boa or, on the other machine
and access the documents there in the normal way. i.e. Put a link such
as <a href='http://the.other.machine/the/path/to/the/document.html'>The
Document</a> in the wiki article. I don't know the exact syntax to get
to this end result in the Media-Wiki environment, but I'm certain it's
possible. Sorry, you'll have to read it up.

Network mount the directory on the other machine using samba ( or nfs
) onto a directory in the htdocs area of the machine on which your
mediawiki is located, and use a localhost URL.

imho a is the preferred method, but you may need to use b if you have
difficulties installing a web server on the.other.machine

By default, Firefox doesn't follow links from a web-page to local files. If you use file:// links, your (Firefox) users will need to add a specific exception to their user.js file:

   # Allows web pages in the named domains to open files on my local drive
   user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "localfilelinks");

I haven't double-checked that this is still the approved method for FF3, but it works for me.

I don't know what the equivalent is in IE. They always used to ensure that you were completely naked, but may have been forced to be more careful by now.


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