When i ran the meetings I simply sent a reminder to the list a week in
advance, or when I remembered.

If you want to do something with regularity, man cron is your friend.

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 1:36 PM, Roger Searle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sorry zane my email was not directed personally at you - only a desire to
> not miss out . . .
> the wluggers have a bot sending out reminders of meetings - how have they
> done that? and why aren't we?
> Zane Gilmore wrote:
>> Yes Roger,
>> Again I must apologise.
>> I keep finding myself surprised by the start of the month!
>> Steve, maybe next month would be a better use of your talk and tonight
>> we can just have a fixup session and a chat over a cuppa.
>> How does that sound?
>> Zane

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