Have you tried the manual partition method???


On Fri, 2009-06-19 at 14:28 +1200, Bryce Stenberg wrote:
> Hi,
> As part of keeping our options open I have been permitted to play with
> linux on Friday afternoons at work to become familiar with the OS.
> So for starters I chose to install Ubuntu 9.04 on my work pc, which
> has three disks and is running Windows XP.
> Disk1 has 2 ntfs partitons - one a 2 GB active partition for booting,
> the 2nd 198GB with windows install I don't want touched.
> Disk2 has 80GB - I want linux on this disk (currently formatted Ext4
> and empty).
> Disk3 is 1TB - but is over half full with various virtual machines.
> When I run the ubuntu install from cd, no matter what I've tried, it
> seems to want to install itself to my second partition on disk1 -
> adding extra partitions and resizing.
> I don't want this partition touched.
> Can anyone please tell me how to get it installed to Disk2?
> Thanks,
>   Bryce Stenberg.
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Steve Holdoway <st...@greengecko.co.nz>
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