On Wed, 2009-07-08 at 13:06 +0900, Andrew Errington wrote:

> In my opinion the kibi-, mibi-, and gibi- prefixes are   lame.  I
> think it's better to use the conventional kilo-, mega- and giga- prefixes,
> since they sound good, and to actually know what you are talking about. 
> After all, these are not the only of homonyms in the English language.
> Oblig. Linux content: Err, my Mepis netbook's in my bag?
> A
As a wrinkly geek, I'm obviously only interested in real GB's, but it's
only a number, so if all the marketing geeks have gone for the highest
up the wall and decided to use squillions of bytes, I don't really
suppose it matters as long as they all use the same value of

+1 for using execrebly in a clug post.



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