On Mon, October 19, 2009 11:17, steve wrote:
> On a slightly different tack, and possibly not cost effective, it is
> easy enough to generate PDF documents on the fly from ( for example ) PHP.
> So if the filling in of a standard HTML form to create a static PDF
> would functionally support the requirement, try giving that a go??
> I can see that this would provide the ability to speed up your workflow,
> providing the ability to use pick lists, default fields, etc - you'd know
> far more on the legal ( and data storage ) side of the problem, but
> technically, it's not difficult at all.

Hmm, the key seems to be to have named fields in the PDF document, then
use voodoo magic[1] to fill them in.  Here are a couple of randomly
discovered webpages that vaguely discuss the topic:


In Nick's case he might have to examine the PDF to determine the field
names (if indeed they are named).


[1] Anything to do with XML.  Seriously, have you seen XSLT?  Cool, but

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