On Mon, 31 May 2010 12:27:38 you wrote:
> On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 12:10 PM, Ryan McCoskrie
> <ryan.mccosk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Okay there have been a few misunderstandings about what I meant in my
> > original post on this thread. After some thinking I believe that I can
> > clarify myself properly
> > 
> > On Sat, 29 May 2010 13:02:30 you wrote:
> >> Are there any desktop centered distros whose primary aim is to have as
> >> few surprises as possible for people who are already accustomed to
> >> Linux?
> > 
> > By accustomed to Linux I mean that this user is more comfortable with
> > Linux than any other system but not necessarily a power user.
> > 
> >> I just want a very generic distro.
> > 
> > By generic I don't just mean desktop centered with no paradigm shifting
> > technologies. I mean a system that aims to have as few original
> > contributions as possible
> what do you mean "as few original contributions as possible" - do you
> mean you want a distro without any special tools that are designed
> just for that distro, by the distro maker?
AFAIK that is near impossible without simply repackaging something else (such 
as the case with CentOS and Redhat). But yeah as few non-universal features
as possible and absolutely nothing set up in a unique or near unique way.

I suppose the real reason I want a system like what I am trying to describe
is so that we can point and say "Well there is no standard Linux but that one
works exactly how any junior admin would expect".

> If so, ubuntu won't do you as they innovate quite a bit, as does
> fedora, as does suse. That comes of having a bunch of paid
> developers[1] sitting there developing, innovating and differentiating
> their distros. And at times their developments get taken up by other
> distros. eg REDHAT package manager is used by a lot of distros besides
> Redhat, upstart was developed by Canonical but is now also used by
> Fedora and others.
> If you want a very generic system with no distro centered addons then
> you perhaps don't want a distro at all, because they all try to
> differentiate themselves in some way with some new 'feature'.
> If I still misunderstood what you are after then please explain again.
> > and have a complete out-of-the-box set of programs (GUI and CLI)
> > that one would expect out of a Linux based system.
> > 
> > P.S: I know that you can set a root password on Ubuntu but I seam to
> > remember other things being dropped because they're of no use to granny.
> You don't need a root password. Ubuntu proves that.
You do if you have a neurotic need to configure every detail but lack the time
and bandwidth for Gentoo/Slackware/LFS.

> > P.P.S: We're lucky here but there is still need for DVD based systems for
> > those without broadband. I was running Fedora without internet any
> > connection at all from mid 2006 to the start of 2008.
> [1] OK so fedora's paid developers really work for redhat.

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