On Thu 03 Jun 2010 16:03:38 NZST +1200, Nick Rout wrote:

> physical access means root access!

Only if you can boot from CD/USB stick (which any lab admin has
disabled), or if you manage to disassemble the computer while the lab
admin looks at you holding his baseball bat. Good luck.

On the list of reasons why "you couldn't possibly afford a root password
on a lab computer" is pretty darn silly, which haven't been mentioned:

 * The admin might have a very good reason to need or want it.
 * If your root password can be brute-forced during a lab class, you
   sure didn't deserve any better anyway.
 * It's a research institution, so playing with the security system
   where the potential damage is marginal is part of the game. I know
   admins who just shrug their shoulders for this very reason, as long
   as no actual damage takes place.
 * Did someone go there to get a degree, or to be kicked off campus by
   the acceptable use policy?

But the most annoying thing about sudo is the crowd of Buntunistas(TM)
who think everyone absolutely has to use it everytime everywhere just
because it's the default for their favourite distro, when benefits are at
best arguable and at worst a security problem.

It's a tool. It gets used when and if it gives a useful return. Just like
with any other tool.


Volker Kuhlmann
http://volker.dnsalias.net/     Please do not CC list postings to me.

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