from Joel Hammer:

" If you really need Turbo Tax, use it.

I will, of course, use anything that meets my needs (some conditions 
apply:), including tt.

" Would you trust some noname tax software?

Actually, I would, and do, trust open-source anything in preference 
to proprietary closed source crap (even good crap) especially with an 
intuit license (imho, one of the worst anywhere, including even m$ in 
some instances).  Quick Tax, frx, (which looks in fact to run on top 
of internet exploder - I'm trying to get this sludge off my system, 
not add more), requires 'activation' and contains, among other terms 
which I find grossly offensive, a term to the effect that intuit 
gathers 'information about your computer during the activation 
process'.  They're, afaict, very non-specific about just what info 
that is.

It also depends to a degree on whether one wants the program to do 
one's taxes or to help one do one's own taxes.


"Use win4lin if you must.

Sure, good advice, and I appreciate, but for now anyway when it suits 
my needs to use a windoze app, I'll use it in windoze.

" I do mine with staroffice.

Also good advice, I did mine with excel one year.  I do have open 
office 638 (running well under windows, allowed me to trash word and 
excel and maybe more) and I've been looking kinda sideways at that.  
The sheets would, in theory, run on both windows and linux.


-- "Don't steal.  The government hates competition."
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