On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 07:56:36 -0500
Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I have a linksys 4 port router as gateway from a cisco 675 (dsl),
> > and had ports 21, 23, and 80 open on the linksys for testing
> > purposes. Guess that's out. 
> Why?
> These are entries in the Apache error log. Someone tried to access 
> something that wasn't available on your server. You have nothing to 
> worry about, other than filling your logs. Anymore, these
> CodeRed/Nimda access attempts are simply internet background noise,
> I wouldn't let that stop you from running a web server. But, if
> you're that concerned, run your webserver on a different port from
> 80 and you can avoid those particular worms...
> Tim

Well, is this no danger to my win95 box that is on the same router? 
(I have the ports open only to my linux box)

Ken Moffat
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