I have one on a Dell Inspiron laptop and another on an ASUS 850 chipset
mother board system. Both seem to be working fine. The AUSU is my work
computer. After zillions of years of running UnixWare, last week I
switched to Caldera 3.1.1. My old computer literally blew up. So I
took the opportunity of a new system to make the switch. So far, both
work fine. In a week or so I will upgrade my home computer from 3.1
to 3.1.1. Aside from the fact that it will be an upgrade rather that
a fresh install, I expect it to work the same (CRON oddities aside).

| Roger Oberholtzer          |   E-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| OPQ Systems AB             |      WWW:  http://www.opq.se/ |
| Erik Dahlbergsgatan 41-43  |    Phone: Int + 46 8   314223 |
| 115 32 Stockholm           |   Mobile: Int + 46 733 621657 |
| Sweden                     |      Fax: Int + 46 8   302602 |
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