Previously, Joel Hammer chose to write:
> Could this be a TakeConsole/GiveConsole problem? Maybe disable those
> scripts and see what happens.
> /etc/X11/kdm/TakeConsole

Well, I did two things since my original post (always a good way to fix 
something and not know what REALLY fixed it). I configured KDE to use ALSA, 
with full duplex and I editted /etc/X11/kdm/TakeConsole  so that 
I then logged out and re-started the X server downstairs, logged out and 
restarted the remote X session upstairs and logged in as my son from the 
upstairs PC. Came downstairs, logged in as me, fired up the GWC program and 
it played a WAV file flawlessly.
Since I had the problem when logged into gnome using gdm, I highly doubt the 
sound server changes I made under KDE fixed it, so...
Thanks, Joel!


Caldera eWorkstation 3.1, kernel 2.4.9, KDE 2.2.1, Xfree86 4.1.0
 12:00pm  up 3 days, 13:47,  4 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.14, 0.12
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