On Sat, 2 Mar 2002 23:00:20 -0500
begin  Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> Previously, Mike Andrew chose to write:
> > On Sat, 2 Mar 2002 23:58, David A. Bandel wrote:
> > >KDE is much like Windoze in the way it
> > > assumes whoever is logged in is the only user.  This is incredibly
> > > rude and arrogant, especially for a system that is designed to be
> > > multi-user.
> >
> > cannot agree more with the sentiment, but I don't believe it's a kde
> > issue. afaik the GiveConsole and circus is supplied via Xfree. It's
> > hard for me to understand what security issues they are trying to
> > protect. I can't see the sense in re-assigning /dev/anything.
> Well, I'm afraid there's something else horking it up as well, probably 
> something the app itself is doing. Even with TakeConsole modified, I'll 
> eventually get choppiness in the sound file playback. The only solution
> I've come up with is to shutdown to runlevel 3 and go back to runlevel
> 5. 
> BTW: A side effect of my TakeConsole change was to have the login sound
> play over my speakers when someone logs in remotely. Maybe that's what
> the Xfree guys were eliminating...

OK, I just installed XFree86-4.2.0 in a Linux From Scratch system.  Can't
get more pristine than this.  There are NO references to any devices in
xdm _except_ /dev/console (you can't get an xconsole if /dev/console
doesn't belong to you).  So this is _NOT_ an X issue, it's a
KDE/Gnome/other WM issue.  And after installing Blackbox and Ion, I still
don't have any reference to /dev/audio or /dev/dsp.

So if, as you say, this isn't done by KDE, then it's done by the distros.

Yes, if someone remotely logs in KDE and they have sound enabled, you will
hear it on the remote box.  What needs to happen is for these folks to use
network sound managers (like rplay) that send sound to the system that
requested sound, not necessarily the one being logged into.

And as you've found out, if multiple devices are attached to the same
sound device, you get crappy sound (if any).


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
                -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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