On Sunday 03 March 2002 07:36 pm,David A. Bandel wrote:
> Actually, if you're using CSS, it makes pages easier to read with
> browsers like Lynx, w3m, etc.  It's only a problem w/ browsers that
> don't follow the guidelines or worse are broken (i.e., they don't
> ignore a style sheet command they don't understand, they implement it
> improperly).  

This is my big problem with old netscape and why I have been sticking 
to vanilla html.  Also why I want to run 6.2 simultaneously.  Style 
sheets looks like the way everything will go.

> NS6 is the best, supporting CSS-2.  Opera also is good
> and may also implement CSS-2 (but at least understands CSS-1).  I
> personally plan to code for NS6 (CSS-2) and make sure it looks OK in
> Lynx and just not worry about the others.  Perhaps I should put a
> "recommended browsers list" on my sites?
> One nice thing about CSS (which is why Lynx, et. al., work so well)
> you can simulate frames without using them.  

But is anybody with a Windows PC or a Mac using it??  Unfortunately, I 
need a page that renders with the least common denominator browser.

> This is very nice for
> text browsers, which is why I'm switching to CSS completely.  I
> _hate_ frames with a passion.

Haven't got that far in the book.  Still learning how to do jpeg 
compression properly ;-)


Tony Alfrey
"I'd rather be sailing"
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