Just to throw another wrinkle into this.  What about Konqueror? 

My daughter set up a page with a fixed background where the text is 
overlaid and scrolls while the background stays in place.  The 
interesting thing about this is that only IE and Konqueror interpret the 
page properly, NS 4.7, NS6x, Galeon, Mozilla, and Opera do not. They 
just make multiple backgrounds and scroll the whole thing at once or 
in the case of NS 4.7 have text scattered enough that you have to 
scroll sideways as well as up and down. 


On 3 Mar 2002, at 22:36, David A. Bandel wrote:

> On Sun, 3 Mar 2002 17:15:34 -0800
> begin  Tony Alfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:
> [snip]
> > >
> > > Good luck with your web page. Don't forget about opera and that other
> > > one, whose name escapes me right now (Internet Dominator or
> > > something). There are also a couple of others. lynx among them.
> > 
> > The statistics that I've seen indicate that an enormous majority use IE 
> >  :-(
> > Supposedly opera follows HTML 4.0 to the letter so I should be OK if I
> > follow the rules.
> Actually, if you're using CSS, it makes pages easier to read with browsers
> like Lynx, w3m, etc.  It's only a problem w/ browsers that don't follow
> the guidelines or worse are broken (i.e., they don't ignore a style sheet
> command they don't understand, they implement it improperly).  NS6 is the
> best, supporting CSS-2.  Opera also is good and may also implement CSS-2
> (but at least understands CSS-1).  I personally plan to code for NS6
> (CSS-2) and make sure it looks OK in Lynx and just not worry about the
> others.  Perhaps I should put a "recommended browsers list" on my sites?
> One nice thing about CSS (which is why Lynx, et. al., work so well) you
> can simulate frames without using them.  This is very nice for text
> browsers, which is why I'm switching to CSS completely.  I _hate_ frames
> with a passion.
> Ciao,
> David A. Bandel
> -- 
> Focus on the dream, not the competition.
>   -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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