On Monday 04 March 2002 03:09 pm, you wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Mar 2002 10:03, Vern W Heesch wrote:
> >both correct the sound problem on my machine but neither one
> > corrects the usb problem.
> which, obviously, is not the subject line. What usb problem? Perhaps I can
> help there.

Interrupt conflicts while loading usb during boot up. From what I can tell 
after searching google....sony vaio laptops have a wierd bios interrupt 
handler that isn't quite right. On boot usb finds int 10 but gets assigned 9, 
this creates an irq conflict it says. So, when I plug my mouse into usb it 
just times out when getting assigned an address. There were mentions of some 
kind of hack to get around this but I didn't understand them. Although kernel 
2.4.18 does work for the usb mouse sometimes and then only for a few minutes. 
Kernel 2.4.8 wouldn't work at all. Perhaps I should just contact Award and 
see if there is a newer bios for this thing.
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