I don't see anything here that sounds like a kernel problem.  Its just
KDE being the memory pig that it has always been.  If there truly was a
kernel memory leak, then killing any of those apps would have no
positive effect on memory usage.

--- Shawn Tayler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Mar 2002 08:36:50 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >I run stock 2.4.17 and have seen no problems. Moreover, I would
> suspect
> >non-kernel applications before the kernel. Please define "strange
> memory
> >use growth."
> Well,
> As an example, I have one system that is used simple as a workstation,
> other than it is running the RC5 client, it just 
> sits with KDM up.  It gets logged into by various users.  Some email
> is read and the web is used on it, Kongy and 
> Opera TP3 are the apps.  It was running for about 2 weeks with out a
> reboot at the time.  It was acting rather sluggish 
> so I ran free.  I had 160M of a 200M swap file in use and only 4M out
> of 128 available.  Shutting down opera and 
> kmail clear alot but there was still 20M of swap in use.  A friend has
> a system that is a guinea pig and had been 
> sitting for a few weeks without the afore mentioned type use.  It also
> has the appearance of swap growth and 
> memory usage.  It does have the pre-emptive patch as well.  
> So I was fishing for data on stock 2.4.17 usage.

Lonni J. Friedman                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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