On Friday 08 March 2002 11:44 am, you wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Mar 2002 09:10:58 -0800 (PST), Net Llama wrote:
> >I don't see anything here that sounds like a kernel problem.  Its just
> >KDE being the memory pig that it has always been.  If there truly was a
> >kernel memory leak, then killing any of those apps would have no
> >positive effect on memory usage.
> Tried playing with a couple systems today and I can never quite get the
> swap file back to zero once it used.  The physical memory also never goes
> quite back to where it should either.
> Some more testing is in order I think.
> Thanks!
> stayler

I have just tested mine been up all day and mine is at zero.

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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