[ snips ]On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 07:53:33 -0700 BOF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Randy Donohoe wrote:
> >I'm going to set up a notebook with a 6GB HD this weekend. Windows
> >2000 Server is getting 3GB and Red Hat 7.2 is getting 3GB. The Red
> >Hat side will be divided into /, home, swap, var, and temp. Swap will
> >get 250MB. How should I divide the remaining 2.5GB between /, home,
> >var, and temp?
> >
> This is a question that can be answered entirely differently by
> everyone who does, because it is entirely a matter of opinion and
> experience and personal preference: you may, in the immediate future,
> regret having posted it <g>.  

> learn it.  If you are installing RH to use it as your primary OS and 
> need to keep Windows, you might want to buy a bigger HD. A good 20 MB 
> IBM is now about $120.

There were a lot of excellent recommendations (which I have snipped) in
this post, but the main thing is this.  3Gig is pretty mininmal space
for either Win2K or RH.  You're going to run out of space sooner rather
than later.  Get a bigger harddrive before you start, or you will regret
it.  Unless you don't plan on using Win2K (why install it?), I would
start out with about 8 Gig for each partition - more if you are doing
much with audio-visual files, photo editing, etc.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - Gentoo_rc6-15 xfce + sylpheed + galeon
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