Yes I have read all the manual plus the faq and installed all that I could that is 
needed for 
MPlayer but I am getting the following during 'make'. I have no idea whats causing the 
someone else might, SDL is in /usr/local/lib::

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           19 Mar 16 08:13 /usr/local/lib/ 
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      1157876 Mar 16 08:13 
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root      3997884 Mar 16 08:13 /usr/local/lib/libSDL.a
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          759 Mar 16 08:13 
/usr/local/lib/    1 root     root         2518 Mar 16 08:13 
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           19 Mar 16 08:13 /usr/local/lib/ ->

However it relates to esdaudio and I also have installed esound-0.2.8, however i have 
not been able to install
mple-1.8.1, do not know if this is required though.

I am dead brained when it comes to programming of any sort.

help appreciated...............

ma -lmad -lnsl    -L/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -lSDL -lpthread  -laa   -Lvidix 
-lvidix -LGui -lgui
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_esdaudio.lo): In function `Audio_Available':
SDL_esdaudio.lo(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `esd_open_sound'
SDL_esdaudio.lo(.text+0x31): undefined reference to `esd_close'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_esdaudio.lo): In function `ESD_OpenAudio':
SDL_esdaudio.lo(.text+0x452): undefined reference to `esd_play_stream'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11dga.lo): In function `X11_EnableDGAMouse':
SDL_x11dga.lo(.text+0xc6): undefined reference to `XF86DGAQueryExtension'
SDL_x11dga.lo(.text+0xea): undefined reference to `XF86DGAQueryVersion'
SDL_x11dga.lo(.text+0x118): undefined reference to `XF86DGADirectVideo'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11dga.lo): In function `X11_CheckDGAMouse':
SDL_x11dga.lo(.text+0x17e): undefined reference to `XF86DGAQueryDirectVideo'
SDL_x11dga.lo(.text+0x1ab): undefined reference to `XF86DGADirectVideo'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11dga.lo): In function `X11_DisableDGAMouse':
SDL_x11dga.lo(.text+0x1f9): undefined reference to `XF86DGADirectVideo'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11gamma.lo): In function `X11_SetGammaNoLock':
SDL_x11gamma.lo(.text+0x13f): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeSetGamma'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11gamma.lo): In function `X11_GetGammaNoLock':
SDL_x11gamma.lo(.text+0x250): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeGetGamma'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11modes.lo): In function `XF40VidModeGetModeInfo':
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x27): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeGetModeLine'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11modes.lo): In function `save_mode':
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0xcb): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeGetViewPort'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11modes.lo): In function `restore_mode':
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x119): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeGetModeLine'
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x162): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeSwitchToMode'
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x1b4): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeSetViewPort'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11modes.lo): In function `set_best_resolution':
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x248): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeGetModeLine'
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x27a): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeGetAllModeLines'
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x32e): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeSwitchToMode'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11modes.lo): In function `get_real_resolution':
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x397): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeGetModeLine'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11modes.lo): In function `X11_GetVideoModes':
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x777): undefined reference to 
`XF40VidModeQueryExtension'SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x79b): undefined reference to 
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x7de): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeGetAllModeLines'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11modes.lo): In function `X11_EnterFullScreen':
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x10e1): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeLockModeSwitch'
/usr/lib/libSDL.a(SDL_x11modes.lo): In function `X11_LeaveFullScreen':
SDL_x11modes.lo(.text+0x1207): undefined reference to `XF40VidModeLockModeSwitch'
make: *** [mplayer] Error 1
Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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