Its not my script, it's Calderas on eD2.4  I can't hardly understand bash 
wortha  damn right now  8^)

But I hope to change all that.

I do appreciate you finding that in the mess for me though.

On Sunday 31 March 2002 20:25, you were heard blurting out:
> BTW, is there a reason you wouldn't want just to put the echo statement
> into your startup script right before the end of the start section?
> I have found it better to modify, yea, even write, my own startup scripts,
> rather then poke around the configuration files scattered around the
> computer or puzzle over the GUI packaged with the particular distro I am
> using at the moment. Writing startup scripts is also a good way to force
> yourself to learn bash. And, you can really customize things. For example,
> here is an excerpt from the start section of my network startup script. I
> can't imagine how I would get this all done otherwise.
> case "$1" in
>  start)
> echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> # set up ipchains
>            /sbin/ipchains -F
>            cat /root/ipchains.saved | /sbin/ipchains-restore -f
> #entry to enable ftp through firewall
>             insmod /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/ip_masq_ftp.o
>             insmod /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/ip_masq_quake.o
>             insmod /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/ip_masq_raudio.o
>             insmod /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/ip_masq_mfw.o
> #entry to redirect internet traffic to a computer on my intranet
> ipmasqadm mfw -I -m 2 -r 80
> ipmasqadm mfw -I -m 3 -r 6699
> ipmasqadm mfw -I -m 4 -r  14
> ipmasqadm mfw -I -m 5 -r  6346
> /sbin/ifconfig lo
> route add -net netmask lo
> /sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask up
> route add -net netmask eth0
> # the line below is only run if I loose my dynamically assigned IP number
> # /sbin/dhcpcd -d -h eth1
> . /etc/
> /sbin/ifconfig eth1 down
> /sbin/ifconfig eth1 $IPADDR netmask $NETMASK broadcast $BROADCAST
> /sbin/route add -net default gw $GATEWAY eth1
> # /bin/hostname `/usr/bin/host $IPADDR $DNS | sed -n "s/.*pointer *//"`
> #Entry to fix up arp table for subnet
> arp -s laptop  00:D0:59:5C:DA:13
>  ;;
>  stop)
> Joel
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