On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, m.w.Chang wrote:
> You should give it a try if you don't like IE. But IE is too popular
> among the kids to be removed from Win98 or be ignored anyway.

That's the mentality that will keep M$ in its dominant monopolitic
position forever.

> Kurt Wall wrote:
> >>we have 98lite for Window$ 98 to knock out IE.
> > Never heard of it, but I do as little as possible in the Windows
> > world.
> Is it do-able after full/partial installation?
> To avoid missing some crucial modules,
> I always install all packages.
> Now i want to try building Xfree86 from scratch rather
> paying extra for an product upgrade. SO is there a
> dummy's guide for newbies to remove existing RPMs?

On the SxS site.  Its been there since 4.00 was released.

> I read that it's dam easy to build a Xfree86 from scratch.
> But shouldn't one first remove the old version BEFORE
> installing a new version?

No.  The old version will get wiped out.

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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