On April 9, 2002 07:07 pm, Kurt Wall wrote:
> Scribbling feverishly on April 09, Net Llama! managed to emit:
> > WTF??
> > I tried to load that page, and gave up after the 130KB background image
> > stalled mid-way through download.  I saw some BS about Visual FoxPro as
> > well.
> >
> > I think Wil was looking to escape M$ debauchery, not get further
> > entrenched in it.
> Great scott! That is one butt-ugly web page... And, the Java applet
> froze Nutscrape.
> > > http://www.smvfp.com presented a M$ frontend+linux backend solution.
> > > it's something you possibly were after.

Loaded OK with NS6.2.2 but still all I saw was more M$ crap. What a waste of 
time! Even on ADSL its slow. I don't see WTF this has to do with LINUX! 
> Kurt

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.
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