Just installed rh7.2 on my box. The box is a dual hd unit with the hds being 
hda , hdc. The CD burner is listed by dmseg as hdb and the standard cd as 
hdd.  After install with kde got 2 icons cdrom and cdrom1 on the desk top. 
When accessed got can't mount no device cdrom or cdrom. When I riclick the 
properties I find that the cdrom is listed as  device /dev/cdrom (or cdrom1), 
mount point is /mnt/cdrom, fs type iso9660. Tried to change device to 
/dev/hdd 4,3,2,1 no go still got a no such device as /dev/cdrom error message 
when trying to mount. Tried changing mount point to /mnt/hdd, hdd4,3,2,1, 
still got error message of no such block device.

Anyone know how to setup these cdrom usings the icon right click properties 
setup.With a system that has a hd as the primary master and cd burner as the 
primary slave (hdb). With rh on the secondary master hd (hdc) and the cdrom 
as the secondary slave (hdd)?

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