On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Bob Raymond wrote:
> Windows is actually faster on my box than KDE, if I consider application load
> times.  Comparison:
> rig is Athlon 1.4ghz, 512mb SDRAM, Radeon 8500 video, 40GB 7200RPM drive for
> Windows, 13GB 5400RPM drive for Gentoo (I know it's unfair, but my sound card
> is better supported in Windows, so I need the HD for recording).
> Windows XP Pro                                                Gentoo 1.1a, KDE 3.0
> boots in 30 secs.                                             boots in 15 secs.
> Mozilla load time 5 secs.                             Mozilla load time 10 secs.
> Mozilla mail load time 5 secs.                        KMail load time 15 secs.
> All of Gentoo is optimized from source, and all times are sort of approximate.
> The Windows apps sometimes take less than a second to load.  Of course, Linux
> doesn't get blue screens just because the processor is at 52-53C like
> Windows.

I can't comment on KMail, as i don't use it (or any of KDE), however
something is very wrong with Mozilla on your box if its taking 10s to load
(on the first try?).  On my PIII-1Ghz w/512MB, mozilla-0.9.9 loads the
first time in 6 seconds.  This is using the i686 tarball from the mozilla
ftp site.

I wonder if your usage of KDE is dragging down the performance of the
entire box?  Do you have any other leaner windowing environments
available, such as XFCE, where you could retest?

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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