I installed SED.  But, when trying to install the rpm-get RPM, it still 
says I need sed (while testing).

If I run sed -V it responds with version 3.02, so the system sees it.

Any suggestions?


Harry G

On Tuesday April 23 2002 11:18 pm, you interfaced in analog form:
> Scribbling feverishly on April 23, Harry G managed to emit:
> > I am trying to install the above, but it says I need sed.  What the
> > heck is it and where can I find it?
> "sed" is a Stream EDitor. If your Linux installation doesn't have it,
> I'd be surprised. Failing that, you can download and install it from
> GNU (ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/sed/sed-3.02.tar.gz).
> > I tried a google search, but only find asedit.  Is this it?
> Nope. See above.
> Kurt
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