On Sat, 27 Apr 2002 10:29:23 -0400 Douglas J Hunley
> Hash: SHA1
> Collins spewed electrons into the ether that resembled:
> > Great news - gentoo is now available from cheapbytes.
> I just put gentoo on my laptop. I compiled the everything into the
> kernel and Gentoo is *not* bring up eth0 on boot. I have to run
> 'cardmgr -f' manually. ideas collins?

Search the archives at the following url (bookmark this one, as far as
I know it's not linked anywhere on the gentoo site.


Also go to the Forum site linked from the gentoo home page.  

There's been a lot of activity about laptops, cardmgr, etc., but I'm a
desktop user so I can't help you much

Good luck,
Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
Gentoo_rc6-15(1.1a) 2.4.19pre - xfce + sylpheed + mozilla
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