On Friday 17 May 2002 12:03 pm, Tim Wunder wrote:
> On Friday 17 May 2002 10:03 am, David A. Bandel wrote:
> > For those of you interested, as promised, I've put up a tenative TOC for
> > a basic Linux book:
> >
> > http://linuxbooks.pananix.com/
> <snip>
> Any reason that this won't render properly for me in Konqueror 3.0.1? The
> page loads, all the source appears to be there, but I can't scroll the page
> :-)
> It works just fine in Mozilla (nightly Build #2002042708 -- a little
> old...), could be a Konqui bug, I guess.
> Hmm..
> http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator/?uri=http%3A//linuxbooks.panan
>ix.com/toc.html found some problems with your CSS, but I dson't know if
> that's the reason Konqui don't seem to work right with it.
> Off to try KDE2's konqueror...
> Tim

Renders with a white background and black text with Konqui under KDE2, but it 

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