On Fri, 17 May 2002, Collins wrote:
> For those of you who use xfce but don't hang out on the xfce list,
> there is now a user contributed taskbar that (IMNSHO) is really slick.
>  It only opens manually at present, but it extends from the bottom of
> the panel and works just like equivalent features in kde, etc.
> Applications you run automatically appear as buttons in the taskbar,
> and you can navigate to the appropriate app by clicking in the taskbar
> or clicking to minimize/restore the app.

So basically its a taskbar?  If so, no thanks.  One of the many reasons
that i like XFCE (and use it as my only window manager) is because i get
alot of screen realestate.

> If there's any interest, I can post instructions for downloading from
> CVS, etc.
> Wonder how long it will take for my xfce advocacy to strike a raw
> nerve <grin>

Not at all.  XFCE is all i use. I don't like wasting memory & CPU cycles
on a "desktop environment".  KDE sux, XFCE forever!

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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