On Tue, 21 May 2002 05:45:24 -0500
"David A. Bandel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 21 May 2002 08:50:23 +0200
> begin  Roger Oberholtzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:
> > Will there be a section on this in the book?
> On what? CSS? Borken browsers? ???

Broken browsers/content. The content of the thread on which I commented.
I guess it wasn't obvious.

| Roger Oberholtzer          |   E-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| OPQ Systems AB             |      WWW:  http://www.opq.se/ |
| Erik Dahlbergsgatan 41-43  |    Phone: Int + 46 8   314223 |
| 115 32 Stockholm           |   Mobile: Int + 46 733 621657 |
| Sweden                     |      Fax: Int + 46 8   302602 |

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