Wouldnt it be more like this?

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
<?xml-stylesheet href="http://www.pananix.com/css/pananix.css"; 

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 03:48, David A. Bandel wrote:
> On Tue, 21 May 2002 22:31:34 +0000
> begin  Ronnie Gauthier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:
> > just a small stab at the problem
> >
> > this is a start tag <xxx>
> > this is an end tag </xxx>
> >
> > what king of tag is this, <xxx/>
> an xhtml 1.0 tag
> The trailing / is _required_.  (this is not what the validator is whining
> about)
> Ciao,
> David A. Bandel

Ronnie Gauthier
Each days terror almost a form of boredom
madmen at the wheel and stepping on the gas and the brakes no good
and each day one, sometimes two, morning glories
faultless, blue, blue sometimes flecked with magenta
each lit from within with the first sunlight
                           -- Denise Levertov --

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