On Wed, 22 May 2002 14:50:14 -0700 Tony Alfrey
> On Wednesday 22 May 2002 01:43 pm,Keith Antoine wrote:
> > On Wednesday 22 May 2002 23:18, Tony Alfrey wrote:
> > > Hi gang!
> > >
> > > Anybody had any experience installing 3.1.1?
> > > In other words, does it seem like a well-assembled distro?
> > > Thanks
> >
> > Geez, Tony where yer bin mate. Both of us over the years have
> > 'talked' and I guess i know a few things that you require, 3.1.1
> > is not one of them. Unless you like being frustrated at not being
> > able to update easily. They went backwards and still are going
> > that way since 2.4.................. "The door is that way, Sir"
> > <grin>
> Geeze Looeeze Skipmeister, whadda ya tryin' t do t me??  Everybody's
> got me enthused about 3.1.1 and now you tell me it is bad news???
> What do you mean that it won't update??  Inquiring minds want to
> know.

I think Skippy is just trying to tell me what we all learned along the
way.  Caldera was never especially good at providing updates (except
for security), and the Caldera file setup was sufficiently different,
that most RPMS would not work without major surgery.

If you want an upgradable system, try RedHat/Mandrake or Debian
(updates for most things available), Slackware (somewhat fewer
choices.  Or gentoo (if you can tolerate updates from source), but I'm
not supposed to say that out loud.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
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