
On Thu, 30 May 2002, Net Llama! wrote:

> Feh.  Talk about making a big deal out of *nothing*:
> Oooooo...look at us, we've got a LSB compliant distro!  That makes us
> neato & stuff.  Now you will buy from us instead of Redhat!  We are 133t!
> What a complete non-event if i ever saw one.

   Don't lose sight of what has been a stumbling block for Linux 
attracting commercial software vendors.  The fact that there has never 
been a stable/standard fielsystem structure for the commercial software 
houses to build against.  Who wants to write a terriffic shoot-em-up video 
game and then have to port it to 10 different distros and a constantly 
changing lib structure?

   Perhaps now, with a consistant LSB, Linux will attract more commercial
software vendors to port their applications to (i.e. TurboTax, etc.).  We 
can only hope...

      --- Jay
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 deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Ben Franklin (1759) 
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