On Fri, 31 May 2002 1Burns MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 31 May 2002 06:55, dep wrote:
> > http://www.linuxandmain.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=83
> >
> > he sounds just a tad cranky about it all.
> I'm not surprised and, on this one, I tend to agree with him (Agree with 
> RMS!!?? Cripes, did I say that??!!)

I agreed with RMS, too, and thought the same thing. It's a darned rare
day when I agree with RMS or he with me.

> Ransom pulled the same stunt with OpenLinux and SCO-Linux and has been in the 
> doghouse with the Linux development community (and most of their industry 
> partners) ever since. Now he's leading the rest of the distros into the same 
> tar pit. I've met Ransom - I thought he had more on the ball than this. 
> And SuSE... they have been getting rave reviews for their last couple of 
> releases and they have a very solid business/industry clientele in Europe. I 
> know they were having to make some financial adjustments a couple of years 
> ago, but since then they have had a number of successes. Why would they throw 
> themselves off this cliff with Ransom?

Go figger.

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