m.w.chang wrote:

> must be the work of Bin Ladden... :) 

or maybe more along the lines of:

Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land 
of Colorado:

And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the 
plenty shall be forgotten
in the land of Colorado; and the famine shall consume the land;

And the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of that famine 
following; for it shall
be very grievous.

Virginia's got a pretty bad drought going, but not to the point of fire, 
ash, etc.  We need another
7 to 8 inches of rain before we're normal again, but at least we're 
getting it.  It's falling like crazy
every once in a while (1.08 in. on Wednesday and about 1 in. exactly on 
Thursday), so now that
it's prime thunderstorm season again, the drought will hopefully end.

Bob Raymond

> Collins wrote:
>> In case you haven't seen the news, Colorado is in the grips of the
>> worst drouth in 100 years, and there are forest fires burning all over
>> the state.  Today there's a fire close enough to Denver to fill the
>> sky with smoke and to scatter ash all over.

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