Although this is in fstab, it is something that is not really mounted
by a user. If you check subdirs there, you will see entries come and go as
USP devices are added or taken away. It is used as info for things like
user-land libusb. These files are not opened to access the device. Only
to tell which devices are present. 

On Fri, 7 Jun 2002 17:00:02 -0700
Tom Condon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 07 June 2002 12:24, Net Llama! carved in granite:
> > This is very weird.  It opens the USB device earlier, but then can't
> > later on.
> > You don't have anything in fstab that is setting perms on the USB
> > devices?
> Slimy dogs!  I didn't even know that something if fstab would affect the 
> USB devices.  But there it is:
> usbdevfs        /proc/bus/usb   usbdevfs        noauto 0 0
> So, the obvious answer to me was that I should change the usbdevfs to 
> have the user option set.  But the same error message resulted when it 
> was changed to:
> usbdevfs        /proc/bus/usb   usbdevfs        noauto,user 0 0
> In Harmony's Way and In A Chord,
> Tom  ;-})
> Barbershop Bass Singer
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