Someone has now posted a patch in Bugzilla that fixes the problem and 
invotes the "-remote openurl()" behavior if mozilla is running or starts  
mozilla if it isn't.  So you can now invoke it with just 'mozilla foo' as 
would be expected. Why this wasn't in the original is mindboggling.

Anyway, the patch applies to ''. If anyone needs the patch 
file, let me know.


On Thursday 13 June 2002 02:04 am, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 21:45:17 -0500
> Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't want to run a second instance as the same user. I just want to
> > be able to click on a link, say in Kmail, and have the silly thing come
> > up. Works in every other browser known to mankind.
> >
> > Yes. You can run it twice from within. But from without it refuses.
> > Tabbed browsing only works from within the app.
> >
> > Where is "-remoteURL(foo)" documented? I've now seen 4 different
> > versions of this sort of option and can't find the real deal anywhere?
> > I'd like to RTFM if I could find one.
> As of Mozilla 1.0, this is different. The command is:
>       mozilla -remote "openurl(%s,new-window)"
> replacing %s with whatever gets the name of the url you want.
> Check out:
> (I got the address from running 'mozilla --help')

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