> it reportedly has the user run constantly as root.

I never understood that. It must be from my years on single-user systems.
I just can't grasp the idea that running a Linux box as a single user so
dramatically places said user in catastrophe's way. I do it all the time.
I never set up additional users. Not once have I done anything that I
couldn't have done as a user and no unauthorized persons have ever
gained access to my machine.

There's really no reason why a person should not be able to run as root
and still receive warnings about what they might do. It all really comes
down to user interface. Then again, if the coder doesn't want to add
these friendly aspects and count on the user being so savvy as to
question everything while providing little to no documentation, there's
nothing I can do to stop that. I'll simply use another tool.

<OT Rant>
That raises the question of where the line is for Linux as a fringe OS
and when it becomes a mainstream OS. If Linux developers keep creating
powerful but painful programs that assume the end user will compile the
code, install required libraries, and run it from a console then Linux
will never have a chance at the desktop.

And to assume that systems adminitrators don't appreciate a little
helping GUI hand is a mistake. The quicker an admin can get his job done
and keep endusers from breathing down his/her neck and the more money
he/she can make as a result, the happier they will be. Of course, the
argument lies with the size and added complexity of UI libraries to run
all this nice looking stuff, but there are a number of slim solutions.
</OT Rant>

I must be damned lucky to never have had a serious problem because I ran
in root. In fact, the largest problems have come from testing the kernel
upgrade in the Mandrake GUI designed for end users. In early iterations
of the Ximian GNOME desktop installer it ate the X config, forcing you
to login via console. These are two examples of a helping GUI doing
dastardly things, and they require root access. This would have happened
even if I'd su'd in to do it.

Just my $0.23.5 :)

Tyler Regas
listmanager AT writerbase DOT com

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