I must admit that back in the 16th century the Catholic church was pretty
opportunistic with it's power...  This turned the Dark Ages darker.  It
certainly didn't give God a good name, especially in recent years...
almost like in the 70's, Amway distributors went door-to-door in the US
and were really not good representatives of Amway, which gave Amway a bad

 On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 20:21:11 -0700
"Ted Ozolins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I really do not believe that its the religion that tends to rule the
> people. If anything, religion lends a sense of balance. However, the
> church on the other hand uses religion to control the people so as to
> ensure a supply of steadily flowing cash.  I have yet to find anywhere
> in the bible that says"thou shalt give xx% of your yearly earnings to
> GOD" 
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