Damd well sent this to the wrong address last night>

Sorry but I am tired out after two solid days work for two pro
photographers with hd problems. I had a problem with not beng able all
of a sudden to compile programs and especially kernels due to the
compile stuffing up in make, with some problem with make. I did ask but
no one had the answer.

So I had a backup of /usr that I reinstalled after deleteing the one I
was using, I now get to the kde login but it tells me that it cannot
find kde2 and also kde3. This looks like a problem with a script file.
Kde2 and 3 are in /opt, so where would I look for the problem, also what

do I look for. I am brain dead at the moment, so will wait till tomorrow

now to do anything. any assist appreciated. Its obviously something

Keith Antoine (Skippy) in windows.

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