Richard R. Sivernell wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 17:29:04 -0400 (EDT)
> Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Thu, 11 Jul 2002, [iso-8859-1] patrick Kapturkiewicz wrote:
>>>What happens ?
>>>Compaq Proliant ML370 G2 with HD 18 Gb, 256 Mb memory,
>>>RedHat 7.1, Oracle 8i, 512 Mb swap, JDK 1.1.8v3
>>hehehehehe...good old rh-7.1 with oracle no less.  this has been the bane
>>of my existence at work for the past month or so.
>>>The command dbassist based on jre freezes during the
>>>database creation on 1% value.
>>>with free or sar, I can see the occupied memory
>>>growing until 100%, then swap growing until 100%. At
>>>last, The processus jre is killed by system.
>>>Any idea ?
>>yes, a few:
>>1) Oracle-8i is *NOT* qualified on anything after RH-6.2.  Trying to run
>>it on RH-7.1 will expectedly result in failure.  I'm surprised you even
>>got it to install cleanly.
>>2) the default kernel that comes with RH-7.1 is 2.4.2.   not only is this
>>kernel ancient, but its *extremely* buggy, and does a horrid job managing
>>memory.  RH provides a 2.4.9 kernel for RH-7.1 as an upgrade.  i'd
>>strongly urge you to use it, if you're not already.
>>3) *ONLY* Oracle-9iR1 is qualified by Oracle to run on RH-7.1, and it
>>requires that you upgrade binutils in order to get all the libraries to
>>properly build during the oracle install process.  Don't even bother
>>trying to install 9i unless you upgrade binutils first.
>   After all of that, what size database are you creating on a 18 gig
> hd. Are you ofs compliant? How about permissions?

Another excellent point.  Oracle will run incredibly poorly on the 
hardware that you've got.  18GB is going to disapear really fast, and 
256MB of memory is going to get sucked up within minutes, and i'd 
imagine just about all your swap will be gone within a few hours. 
Oracle needs at leat 1GB of physical memory to run decently.

Oracle is the KDE of databases.  Big, bloated, and loaded with 4300 
features that no one ever asked for.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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