On Friday 20 September 2002 3:21 pm, dep wrote:
> the other shoe has dropped:
> "Advanced Micro Devices will include Microsoft's Palladium "trusted"
> -- meaning Microsoft-  approved software only -- support in its next
> generation of chips, according to published reports."
> http://www.linuxandmain.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=232

I don't quite understand what the fuss is all about, to quote from MS's 
Core Principles of the "Palladium" Initiative
Development of "Palladium" is guided by important business and technical 
imperatives and assumptions. Among these are the following:

A "Palladium"-enhanced computer must continue to run any existing applications 
and device drivers. 

"Palladium" is not a separate operating system. It is based on architectural 
enhancements to the Windows kernel and to computer hardware, including the 
CPU, peripherals and chipsets, to create a new trusted execution subsystem 
(see Figure 1). 

"Palladium" will not eliminate any features of Windows that users have come to 
rely on; everything that runs today will continue to run with "Palladium." 

In addition, "Palladium" does not change what can be programmed or run on the 
computing platform; it simply changes what can be believed about programs, 
and the durability of those beliefs. Moreover, "Palladium" will operate with 
any program the user specifies while maintaining security. 
And later..
"Palladium" is an opt-in system.

"Palladium" is entirely an opt-in solution; systems will ship with the 
"Palladium" hardware and software features turned off. The user of the system 
can choose to simply stay with this default setting, leaving all 
"Palladium"-related capabilities (hardware and software) disabled. 

Turning "Palladium" completely off includes turning it off in hardware, which 
prevents any software from turning it back on. Users have the ultimate 
control over their systems and their information; "Palladium" does not entail 
any global requirements.

Pam R: Don't put off until tomorrow what you can leave to the day after.
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