On Fri, 18 Oct 2002, tom wrote:
> What is the next step to trouble shoot a frozen
> keyboard and mouse when running a Xserver?
> Do I modify in the Xserver by hand, or is there
> another service I must deactivate, or do I modify
> a init script to correct this?
> I tried using xf86config, but RH no longer
> follows the XFREE86 project standard configuration
> file system.  The scripts there fail miserably, and
> are broken.
> So I'm a little stuck. Here's my tale thus far;
> Installation:
> Downloaded RH8.0, confirmed MD5 checksum for all
> iso's.  Burned the 5 iso's.
> A simple installation with RH 8.0 without problems,
> all hardware detected, recommended programs installed.
> Performed a custom install, asked for KDE and Gnome
> ( that I can tell ) and whatever else is available on
> the iso's.
> Asked ext2 partitions all around,  /tmp /var /home /boot,
> generous sized swap file and / directory.

*WHY*  Don't you value your data?  Or do you like using ancient

> GUI:
> Problem: the X server locks up the mouse and keyboard
>  on GUI activation.  From CLI, type in
> ]$ startx
> Immediately Keyboard and Mouse dies. I can see GUI,
> with all the icons, tabs, buttons, clock, mouse cursor,
> but there my experience with RH 8.0 stops.
> Tapping CAPSLOCK on keyboard DOES NOT work, keyboard
> is completely dead.  Lamp indicators stop to function,
> including NUM-LOCK, SCROLL-LOCK.
> Only way to get out of frozen GUI screen is to perform
> power down. Literally

You can't ssh into the box?  What about SYSRQ ?

> As long as I remain using the CLI, everything works
> okay.  However, I would like to try out the GUI.

I'm not clear on why you think the mouse & keyboard are locked up, when
they dont' ever work under X, from your description.  In order for them to
lock up, they'd have to actually work at some point in time under X.

> Novice conclusion:
> To me, my problem looks like the X server configuration.
> However, just to be sure, I asked on alt.linux.redhat
> about this, and someone mentioned there
> that the power management on RH 8.0 was to blame.
> So I though maybe turning off power management
> would help. Tried to turn off using 'ntsysv',
> but this configuration tool fails to turn 'apmd' off.

/etc/init.d/apmd stop  ??
or worst case:
killall apmd
before starting X.

> Again, power down is only way to escape from this frozen
> GUI screen.

You haven't convinced me of that.

> Thus far:
> Attempt re-installation, same problem every time.
> I have another computer, and am using it here.
> I know my test computer was working, since I was just using
> it to compile GNU GCC 2.95.3 just the other week, and
> running COL WS 3.1.1 without a hitch.

Are you saying that RH8 doesn't come with the xf86config binary for
configuring XFree86 ?

At any rate, unless Redhat really botched things, you should have an
/var/log/XFree86.0.log which logs everything that X does while its
running.  Start there.

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo                  http://netllama.ipfox.com

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