On 11/16/2002 09:53 AM, Michael Fakaro wrote:
On Fri, 2002-11-15 at 23:01, Net Llama! wrote:

Which sites have you tried?

www.stars-stripes.com is the one I'm at every day now

Well this morning I booted up started Mozilla and it froze
at the above page again, then my young son called me and I
went to help him when I got back the page had LOADED!!

So I tried again and sure enough if I wait a couple of minutes
it WILL LOAD. Booted back to "root" and it loads immediately, back
to user and it takes a couple of minutes. WEIRD

I have no idea why flash would work well at root and ssslllooowww as
a user, any thoughts??
no, not really.  i think redhat did something snarfy to their Mozilla.

L. Friedman                       	       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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