On 11/19/02 17:40, Jim Bonnet wrote:


Unfortunately, i haven't upgraded or touched any of those 3 since May.

Gotcha, wonder if you could sum -r those libs and compare to the originals?

Or.. Have you run a debugger against the programs to see if you can find
the actual line of code that is causing the fault? Maybe its a lib call
and you can pinpoint the lib that way.

I don't even have gdb installed on this box..ugh.  If i do install it,
what syntax would i use?  Something like "gdb <binary>"?

exactly, although you should compile with -g so you get some symbols to debug against, and install ddd so you
can get something done right away, VS learning C debugging from the command line.. ouch.

I guess the rest of your machine is running just fine? because as was previously noted.. RAM is a factor in segfault..
That's the weird thing though. The compiles go just fine. Its just the resulting binaries that bomb out. Even more strange is that I compiled the latest XFCE yesterday, and it continues to run just fine. It seems like some things just don't work, yet others do.

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