I'm experiencing a very strange problem, and i'm wondering if anyone has seen it. I just added a terabyte storage array to an existing server, running the XFS version of RH-7.3 with SCSI hardware RAID arrays. I was attempting to copy all of /home to the new array (approximately 150GB) when cp hung about 2/3 of the way through. Everything is a local filesystem, there's no NFS, or networked files anywhere. cp now shows up as in an 'uninteruptable sleep' state, and as a result i can't kill it. Unfortunately, there's some kind of IO blocking going on as a result, so the load on the box is hovering between 3.00 & 4.00 (this is a quad xeon box, so its not fully incapacited).

I've checked messages, dmesg, the RAID controller status, memory, disk usage, and they all come up OK, with not a single error or lack of resources. At this point, i'm completely stumped as to why cp is hung. The bigger problem now, is that since cp is causing an IO block, the box is really unusable, since everything is very slow. And i can't shutdown cleanly, because the cp process won't terminate. The only time i've ever seen behvaior like this before is when i was trying to shutdown a box that had an NFS share that had dropped off the network.

Has anyone seen this before??

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