On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 14:04:09 -0600 ronnie gauthier
> If 200 naked dancing fillies doesn't do it then towing an iceburg is
> a last resort. Does AU have any desalination plants?
> On Thu, 05 Dec 2002 12:59:12 -0500 - "Leon A. Goldstein"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote the following
> Re: Re: <OT> Re: Big problems in Oz
> >Jerry McBride wrote:
> >
> >> If my memory serves me... Here in the states, for year 2002...
> >the 48> continental states reported some measure of drought
> >effects, 

Memory serves you right.  The mountain and western states had the
worst drowth and forrest fires in about 100 years (Colorado most
especially).  I don't know how that sort of thing is handled down
under, but many people believe that the severest problems were created
by several decades of failure to prune old growth forrests
(environmentalist wackos would never allow that) which become
tinderboxes with passage of time.

We've had good early fall snowfall in Colorado (most ski areas are
open early this year), but it's too early to say whether the
weatherman will bring us the March snows that we depend on to break
the drouth cycle.

Our sympathies are with you, Keith, and the stockmen here and there
who have to watch their herds die or with people who watch their homes
go up in flames.  We who remain unaffected (as yet) have much to be
thankful for.  Most people in Denver only had to deal with outdoor
watering restrictions, poorly maintained golf courses, and no
campfires anywhere in the state.

You could get your thong, Keith, and join the nudie cuties in their
rain dance. <grin>

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Redhat 7.3 system
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