begin  Robert Black Eagle's  quote:

| And the last issue is why some geeks, hackers and just plain end
| users are joining an effort to get a large enough lobbying group to
| keep Congress from trying to control everything about the Internet
| and our personal computers.  They're still trying to force everyone
| to buy what they misname "secure" computers (a secure computer is
| one that allows the government to snoop on every computer user
| connected to a modem, DSL, or WebTV and would outlaw opensource  --
| secure for government snoops and no one else).  So far enormous
| efforts have kept this bizarre notion off the floor or being
| soundly defeated everytime it's come up.

fwiw, this thing is the brainchild of sen. fritz hollings (d-sc), a 
stooge of the riaa. it hasn't made it out of committee because fritz 
is a.) a democrat and b.) a nut job.

but it is certainly worth being vigilant about.
dep -- outside the box, barely within
the envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
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