Then throw away your windoze box(es), cause both work with wine. or at least that's what some quick Googling indicates.

On 12/17/02 17:21, m.w.chang wrote:
I wanted to keep playing diablo2 and counter-strike on the linux
workstation, if I could manage xfree86 and wine(x). When that happens, I
could run away from Window$ foreever.

Matthew Carpenter wrote:
Yeah, I'd say it's beyond me as well... I have a Diamond Viper330... How
do I even KNOW if I'm running with 3D Acceleration running for this card? If not, then what? And if so, what does it gain me? I know that XINE can
use OpenGL mode, and I know that OpenGL has a lot of applications which
use it, but then what?

L. Friedman                       	       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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